A Late Post

Before the flight to Beijing, our group visited the Met with the Chinese exchange students. This was not my first time to the Met, and so it was great to see all the exhibits I didn’t have time for on my last visit. Plus, I got to tour the museum with group of Chinese students, who could offer a different perspective on the exhibits I had already seen.  The theme for that visit was comparing Chinese and western art. Our group focused on how the different cultures treat nature in their respective arts. What really blew me away was how the beautiful Chinese landscapes used a completely different set of materials. Calligraphy brush, ink and a long, thin scroll provide a completely different starting point for art. We found that the Chinese art was more detail oriented, and inspired by calligraphy. The western art on the other hand, had fewer fine details but was more concerned with shapes and color. In the end, both were beautiful.

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