Soap and Sad Goodbyes

Class today went so much better than yesterday. The material better stuck today and I was able to recall the info from yesterday. I was worried that I’d be just as lost as yesterday and mood would be horrible, but luckily it was not.

Today’s activity was volunteer work with children at a school for disabilities. To teach vocational skills the students learn how make soap and then sell them to help with living expenses. I was excited to help being that when I was younger, I was very crafty and used to make soaps.

When waiting for the soap to harden, we exchanged song and dance. Christan started it off with a dance, followed by some Alicia Keys sung by buy Nicole. A student then sung us a song along with our counselor Michelle. Harry and Jeremy topped off the performers with the traditional jasmine flower song sung in Chinese.

With the help of Chi Chi, Chris, and Jules our table was able to make and wrap over 20 bars of soap.

The best part of the trip was the small stop in the classroom with the little kids. As soon as we stepped in, their faces lit up. Being there made me so happy. I was even able to practice some of my Chinese while asking and telling my name. I didn’t want to leave. It broke my heart even more when a student followed me down the hall as I left. This existence warmed my heart.

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