Ready, Set, GO

Today started even earlier than usual. We traveled to a hotel to see two men play a championship game of Go. The ride to the hotel where the match was being held was pretty harrowing. Beijing traffic is literally terrifying. Luckily we made it there in one piece. When we got to the room, I was surprised by how decorated the chairs were and how the room just literally oozed pressure. I did a national quiz bowl competition once and that pressure couldn’t even compare to this. I could only slightly empathize with the guys sitting in those highly decorated chairs. After watching the match for a little while, we traveled to the national go house in Beijing. There we learned about the history of go, and some stories related to it. I was surprised to find out that it is around 3,000 years old. That’s really insane to imagine. After talking about the game for the entire day I was really excited when we were finally taught how to play. The object is to surround your player’s pieces to create your territory. Honestly, the premise of it is extremely simple, but it almost feels like because of its simplicity that it is extremely difficult to play. Even though it is challenging, it makes for a really good mental exercise. I really enjoyed today.

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