Central Park Excursion

Scouring Central Park was both exhausting and invigorating. As we walked through, it was nice to see the park but even better was the pictures we had to take in order to document the scavenger hunt. The pictures with the students were definitely the best way to commemorate our time there and made each place memorable. It sucked a little bit when it started raining. But after a few moments, it actually felt great because it had been so hot previously. As we made our way through the rain, we were still ever determined to win the scavenger hunt. After the Bellevedere we started to head back. On our way we saw Alice, and Anderson which were both a surprise. It was at those moments that you could really feel the competitive spirit. The only real difficulty was getting back on time. Once we started for the bus, we realized how far we really had gone into the park. Even at our fastest, it still seemed like forever in the blooming heat. Once we made it on the bus, relief was instantaneous. It had been intense in the park, and on our way back, but it was 100% worth it because we won. Today victory, tomorrow ice cream.


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