I had never heard of the international friendship parade before, nor had I ever been in a parade before. Being the delegate of Chile was definitely more than a surprise. Since I was next to China, I had a first rate view of the performers while they were practicing before the parade started. The music was great, albeit a bit loud. And the human dragon they did was so cool!! I was surprised at how young some of their delegation was but it just goes to show how talented they were. Once the parade started, it was really exciting. Every time I looked around there was always someone taking pictures or videos of the parade. Later, I found out that Snapchat had a Friendship Day story which had many uploads of the parade. At the end of the parade, all of the delegates lined up on their country’s designated spot. Since I was Chile, I was at the beginning of the line. This gave me a great view of all the students who came after me. I’m so excited because I got some great pictures of them. Afterwards we got free time, which was fantastic because we were able to relax after the long day.