Manhattan Madness

imageMonday was full of Manhattan fun. The first step was the Rockefeller Plaza. Just like the international day of friendship in Brooklyn, flags of the world lined the sky. As this was the first time exploring in Manhattan, the Chinese students’ faces gleamed with interest as we left the bus. There is so much to see and so much to learn in this amazing borough.

Running through the plaza, our first stop was the Lego store. I thought there was more to play in the store but unfortunately not. I was hoping the store had a place for us to play with the Legos and I’d be able to see just how talented everyone was in building things; especially many students studying engineering and urban planning.


While some students traveled to the NBC store, some of us went shopping for American snacks for the long plane ride to Beijing tomorrow.

We then headed off to lunch at a Chinese restaurant. I learned that I am getting better with chopsticks but I still need some help. I hope to get better and not catch hand cramps while in China. After lunch was the MET. Here we explored the Chinese and American wings in hopes to find old coins or money to use for our newsletter. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.


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