East Coast to Beijing

August 9th (10th), 2016

I’ve completely lost track of what day it is and all notion of time has vanished. I’ve been sitting in the same seat for longer than twelve hours, but that is completely fine because IM GOING TO CHINA! As we scrambled to find our seats it came to my attention that I was definitely the only Latina on that plane and I couldn’t help but laugh because part of me felt like I was representing all the Hispanics out there simply by joining this wonderful team of individuals on this trip. First off, the second I entered the airplane everything seems different than your typical American Airlines flight. The food was delicious, I had scallions and rice for lunch, packed along with fresh fruit and a perfectly squared chocolate cake. For dinner they served pasta with fish, paired with peach yogurt and fruit. They also served tea with every meal, something that I’m not completely familiar with but i have no complaints! It was great!

The screen says that we will arrive at our destination (Guangzhou) in 1 hr and 16 minutes…after that we have to catch another plane to our final destination in Beijing. I’m sitting pretty impatient now because 1.) I really cannot sit within the same 20 inch space for longer than about one hour, and 2.) Because I cannot wait to hop of the plane and explore Beijing! To get to know what it is like to be a Chinese citizen and to live life like they do. I have hundreds of questions I want to ask and so many places I want to visit!! Anyhow, I am definitely looking forward to experiencing Chinese culture and sharing my cultures and traditions with everyone around me, after all, that’s what global citizen is all about, right?

Also I really think that we skipped Wednesday and went straight to Thursday and thats really confusing.

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