Colorful flags filled the air of Brooklyn as we marched down Fulton Avenue to the Brooklyn City Hall. Today was National Day of Friendship so we volunteered in the parade. When we arrived I was excited to see a Juniors Cheesecake right across the street. Everyone in the area says Juniors is the best cheesecake and I remember an episode of Making the Band, Diddy has the members of the music group walk from Times Square across the Brooklyn Bridge to Juniors just to being him a slice of cake. I could not decide if I wanted the raspberry or strawberry so ChiChi ordered the raspberry and I ordered the strawberry so we could eat them both.
After the cheesecake break, it was time to get ready for the parade. At first Wen and I was assigned the country Tonga to represent. However several delegates did not arrive for several different countries so we were all able to represent a different one. I chose the country Czech Republic because I have family ties there.
All the students marched waving their flags symbolizing friendship across cultures with nothing but smiles in the air. It was great seeing the different cultures blending together to show that Brooklyn is a place of love. Brooklyn’s motto is “spread love it’s the Brooklyn way” and that is definitely what happened today.
For dinner we went the the Chinese buffet that we went to lunch yesterday. I was more than stuffed yesterday and I don’t know how much more I can eat. Hopefully tomorrow we can expose the Chinese students to American food and maybe try pizza and burgers! Since tomorrow will be filled with fun in Times Square, my recommendation would be maybe barbecue at Dallas BBQ!