Saturday, August 6th

Luckily for the scavenger hunt, I was paired with Jean, a NYU student just as committed to seeing all the sights and not moving too fast as I am. Our group moved slowly throughout the park, stopping at every nook and cranny we were curious about. This resulted in some fabulous photos and some peculiar pictures. The bonding, between Jean and me and our Chinese counterparts, began through conversations typical of all college students everywhere. We discussed our intended majors and concentrations, our hopes and dreams, and most importantly what we hoped to gain from the incredible summer experience we have been granted. We have received lots of nuggets of wisdom for our trip to China, courtesy of the wildly intelligent students we are so lucky to work with. It was also exciting to see how familiar all of us became with the Park itself. We all knew our ways around by the end of the day!

We were “laying in the grass,” one of the challenges for the scavenger hunt and decided to take a cool pic!!
We didn’t let the rain, even though it was raining “cats and dogs,” get us down from having a great time. Luckily, all of the Chinese students had umbrellas which they kindly shared with Jean and me.

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